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Space Articles

These articles are available for your online reading enjoyment and also for print media republication at very reasonable rates.

Pluto the Accidental Planet - The more we learn about our strange ninth planet, the more mysterious even its discovery becomes. Is it truly a planet or just an asteroid or comet that was in the right place at the right time?

Save John Glenn's Cape Canaveral - We're in danger of losing our national space program heritage at Cape Canaveral, but we can save it if we take action now.

The Power of Not Giving Up - Astronaut Alan Shepard's boyhood dream of flying propelled him into America's first space mission, but persistence against incredible odds took him to the moon.

Space Shuttle Commander Eileen Collins - As the first woman to command a NASA mission, she successfully put the Chandra X-Ray Observatory into orbit and proved that dreams do come true.

Astronaut Jerrie Cobb, Our Other American Legend - Jerrie Cobb was one of the Mercury 13, our first female astronauts, who never flew in space.

We'll All Meet at Mars - The space race of our youth has transformed into something new and exciting, with far reaching implications for all of us.

President Kennedy's Moon Landing - He inspired a nation to achieve the seemingly impossible. We look back on the 30th anniversary.

Like a Diamond in the Sky - Could some of the stars twinkling in the night sky be made of diamonds? Astronomers and geologists are beginning to think so.

Of Rocket Boys and Science Fairs - Coming of age as Sputnik launched the future in a new direction, this generation embraced the excitement of science and technology like never before.

Mir Reflections - The space station Mir was once our only inhabited moon. After 15 years of international cooperation in space, it was incinerated in a fiery plunge to Earth. But did you know that you can still visit Mir and see how the Cosmonauts lived?

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