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Site Policy and Contact Information

Thank you for visiting JohnShepler.com This section of the site contains our policies on privacy, email "spam" marketing, republication of copyrighted material, and how to contact us.

About JohnShepler.com
This site is written and published by John Shepler with site design and research support from Barbara Shepler. We offer feature articles for your online reading enjoyment and referencing, plus other features, such as charitable causes that we feel are worthy of your support, and interactive games. We can offer the services free of charge to our visitors, as we're supported by our shopping sections and other commercial advertising that you'll find as you visit the various pages. Our prices are the same as if you went directly to the merchants, so when you purchase something from our site you'll be helping us bring this site to you at no extra cost to you!

Privacy Policy
JohnShepler.com does not collect any individual information about our visitors. We do employ web logs and tracking tools that give us a count of how many people visit the site, which pages are most popular, etc. None of this identifies the personal information of individual visitors. We don't ask for your name or email address and we don't automatically download any software to your computer. If you choose to write us, we will only use your contact information to respond to you, or for the purposes of trying to help you. We will never sell your information to any marketing lists. Please treat our information with equal discretion.

Note that once you leave our site by clicking through a text link to a source of reference information or an advertisement, you are literally leaving our domain and we have no control over what happens at the next site you visit. You need to be aware of the sites you visit and their policies. We will, however, make every attempt to avoid linking to sites or advertisers who abuse the privacy of their visitors.

Our Advertising Relationships
As publishers, we do run commercial advertisements on JohnShepler.com. When you click through a graphical or text link on the ad, you are taken directly to the merchant making the offer. Any information you provide the merchant is captured on the merchant's site, not ours. We don't take your name or address, we don't process credit card orders. We NEVER ask for your credit card number. We also don't provide order fulfillment or customer service. We just run advertising for which we receive a fee or commission. If you have questions about your order, you'll need to contact the merchant directly. Where possible, we try to provide a link to the appropriate merchant's customer service department. If you contact us regarding any order or advertisement, the best we can do is see if we can get you the appropriate merchant contact information.

Email "Spamming" Policy
At JohnShepler.com, we use web based marketing or traditional print advertising exclusively. You will NEVER get an unsolicited commercial advertisement sent from us in your email. Having said that, you should be aware that there are some unscrupulous individuals who do engage in unsolicited commercial email, also known as "spamming." Some of the messages you receive may look just like the ads we're running on JohnShepler.com. That's because we get most of our creative content for commercial advertisements directly from merchants and advertising agencies. Just like magazines and TV, many websites and email marketing companies run the same ads. You might receive such an ad in your email from a legitimate marketing company. If so, it is probably because you joined a mailing list when you signed up for a free service or entered a contest. Somewhere in the email message, usually near the bottom, there should be instructions for how to "unsubscribe" from the list.

If you receive an email message that you really believe was sent from this site, please let us know. We have a vested interest in protecting our good name and will aggressively pursue "spammers" masquerading as our site. Save the message itself, as we may ask you to forward it to us.

Republication of Copyrighted Material
Our articles and other materials on this site are copyrighted and we pay licensing fees for many of the graphics we use, so please do not copy to other sites. We do welcome links or references to any of the articles or feature pages. Teachers may also print and use our articles for classroom instructional purposes without further permission.

For print media commercial publishers, like newspapers, magazines and books, we will license you to republish a complete article for a reasonable fee and attribution that protects our copyright. If interested in such an arrangement, please let us know.

Contact Information
If you wish to contact us, please write me at : John (at) JohnShepler.com
Please send short text messages only, without attachments. Because of the unfortunate prevalence of viruses, worms and other other unsavory content being transmitted on the Internet, large messages and messages with attachments are deleted without reading.

Thanks for Reading and Thanks for Visiting!

John Shepler

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